Recruiting & Staffing – What Does it Take to Be Successful in the Recruiting & Staffing Industry?

Here are the Top Ten Tips.

I have been in the Recruiting and Staffing Business for 15 years. I started out of college with a large company. I received incredible training as a young adult with this Staffing Company. They prepared me for the business world and how to be a professional. From there, I started my own Staffing and Recruiting Business. I’ve had my own business for 8 years and I love working for myself. Having an Entrepreneurial spirit is a fantastic quality for success.

So, here are my Ten Tips on How to be a Successful Recruiter in the Staffing industry:

1) Persistence, persistence, persistence…

It’s Imperative to formulate a System and stick with it every day. In recruiting, time is your enemy. There should not be a minute of your day where you are guessing what to do next. Recruiters must follow-up with their candidates via phone and email. Having a Tickler system is very helpful.

2) Repetition and Clarity

When speaking with candidates, Recruiters must talk slow and clear. Pronounce your words and take command of the conversation. This will reflect your Leadership over the phone. Talking to your candidates over the phone or in person will increase your numbers. Forget Email.

3) Locking Down

This step is probably the most Important. I’m sure you have experienced what we term a “Backout” or “No Show.” You had a great conversation with a candidate and you felt 100% about him. Then, he doesn’t show for the interview. Recruiters can’t afford to eave any stone unturned. Good Recruiters “Lock” their candidates in every area.

4) Role Play

When I first started in the industry, I use to work on my Professional development every day after 5pm. I would Role Play situations I encountered during the day. I would work with a Sales Manager in my office for an hour every day. We would Role play negotiating rates, locking down, and everyday issues that I would encounter. Good Recruiters practice daily just like Professional athletes.

5) Relationships

It’s very important to meet with your qualified candidates proactively. Setting up a lunch meeting will help you build and maintain a solid relationship. it’s all about Relationships. This will build trust and separate you from your competitors.

6) Resources

With all the Technology at our fingertips Recruiters must stay knowledgeable. It’s very important to sharpen your skills everyday on the Internet. When I started out, was the biggest resource. Now, there are plenty of recruiting resources. It’s important to stay ahead of the curve. Dig into Social Media and make your presence known on the Internet.

7) Be a Leader

Showing Leadership will get you up that corporate ladder most effectively. Be heard in your office and in meetings. Contribute in a positive way whenever you can. Always seek to help others and make an impact.

8) Set Goals

Outside of setting your goals professionally, set some personal goals. Make a top 5 list of attainable goals over the next 5-10 years. Review your goals weekly.

9) Latency

Set up some type of email auto responder ie) Birthday reminder for your candidates. You need to stay fresh in your candidates minds since they have their resumes out there and your competitors are contacting them everyday.

10) Image

Image says so much to your customers. Be very cautious how you present yourself and how you act around your customers. Stay humble and others will want you to succeed. Be aware of your clothing and the car you drive. Believe me, this makes a big difference.

These 10 tips will help you become a better recruiter.

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