Home Insurance, Flood Alert

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors warns that if you can’t get insurance for your house, you’re in big trouble. Mortgage lenders won’t lend on houses that are uninsurable and as a result its value could fall by up to 80%. It’s a high flood risk that’s most likely to […]

Can You Build a House Out of Plastic Lumber?

Recycled plastic lumber is quickly becoming a common building material for decking and other outdoor buildings. This environmentally friendly product is helping people to build more green during the construction process. With this being said, is it possible to build a house out of plastic wood/lumber? The answer is yes. […]

How to Sell Your Deck Design

Interior designers always come up with great ideas for home improvement. If you made a unique design for a deck that you think many people will like, you may as well sell that and make some money. There are many ways to sell a design idea for a home. All […]

Home Lighting Design – Daylighting Design

This article develops a unique, extensive home lighting design Daylighting Design Schedule to address code and a whole lot more. Home lighting design policy for most any home these days: let the daylight in with qualifications – maybe not too much, not too little, depends on where, depends on how, […]